Show #35 – The Melancholy of Erin’s Unemployment

Show #035 Direct Download:

OP: “Indigo” by Moloko, from the album “Things to Make and Do”. We were introduced to this fine song by herohigh, a friend of Daryl Surat

ED: “Monkey Developers” song by Digital Droo, which samples the famous Steve Ballmer video. We were inspired by the song’s use in Fall_Child42’s video “An Ode To Monkey AMVers – AKA DEWELOPERS”


What is sheet timing?

While design is going on, the timing director (who in many cases will be the main director) takes the animatic and analyzes exactly what poses, drawings, and lip movements will be needed on what frames. An exposure sheet (or X-sheet for short) is created; this is a printed table that breaks down the action, dialogue, and sound frame-by-frame as a guide for the animators. If a film is based more strongly in music, a bar sheet may be prepared in addition to or instead of an X-sheet. Bar sheets show the relationship between the on-screen action, the dialogue, and the actual musical notation used in the score.

Here’s a picture of an Exposure Sheet. What I’m saying on the podcast is that one of our sheet timers was an Irish guy living on a tiny island off the coast of Spain.

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25 Responses to Show #35 – The Melancholy of Erin’s Unemployment

  1. Have fun in Japan! If you see my friend Kyoko in Fukuoka, tell her I said Hi and I miss her.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You kids!

    Over 30? Old??? Why I…you…we…what? What was I thinking? It’s cold outside. Things are different now than they used to be. I’m old and things make me mad!

    And if I had my way, all animation would still be hand-drawn and colored. I don’t mind the new stuff, but I will always have a soft spot for hand-drawn cel animation.


    • Anonymous says:

      Re: You kids!

      C’mon Noah, it’s almost time for Carousel. Maybe afterwards you guys won’t be so down on us 30 year olds. πŸ˜‰


  3. dil_masaniya says:

    The Happiness of Haruhi Suzumiya

    Haruhi Suzumya’s Melancholy is one of my faves. Notice how much of the 1st episode is actually foreshadowing for the rest of the series?

    • Yuki is a witch — later episodes show her using “incantations”. In fact all of the characters appear as themselves in a strange way: the Esper plays an Esper, the time traveler plays a time traveler, various minor characters play various minor roles, Kyon provides the cynical commentary, and Haruhi is the ultra-directer, pulling everyone’s puppet strings.
    • There are several lines of dialog that are cleverly re-used in the real series. Example: “Can we put this matter on hold?”
    • Even the jumbled order of the episodes seems to be referenced in comments by Kyon that the movie is illogically sequenced.

    I don’t know why people didn’t get that the first episode was a spoof of a poorly made movie. Maybe having made an amateur movie myself gives me the experience to appreciate how much hard work it must have taken to get it to look that poor in quality. In fact the art quality is very detailed and impressive.

    Even the music is really well constructed, but with instruments chosen to make it sound like a four dollar casio.

    Noah, don’t sweat 30. It sounds bigger than it is. If you have a mid-life crisis now, you’ll be screwed when you hit 40!

    Also, Moloko! I love their stuff. Look for “Killa Bunnies” on their first album. πŸ™‚

  4. mc_burnett says:

    I’ll attest to Iron Wok Jan’s genius (or at least the first 10 volumes I’ve read) and scoff at your use of X-Sheets as I wave at you from the 21st century. Tell President Lincoln I said hello! Good luck starting a fire with those sticks! RIDE A DINOSAUR TO WORK.

  5. Anonymous says:

    (Daryl Surat)

    I have not listened to this episode yet, but I am under 30 and not only do I remember Pound Puppies, I have a collection of them, which are to this day stored in my baby bassinet.

    Despite the fact that I have a phobia of actual dogs.

    Also, your geek hierarchy fails to take into account the fact that pretty much all raw anime watchers procure them via BitTorrent. Raws are basically watched out of necessity (eg “nobody has translated this”), and by the time a non-digital source such as a DVD is readily available, most shows have been licensed or fansubbed.

    I shall soon commence with the watching of all of Giant Gorg raw on DVD since Bandai didn’t release that here after all.

    • Daryl, when we say “raw anime watchers” we mean watchers of raw VHS circa 1991, no digital nonsense.

      • Anonymous says:

        I miss the warm fuzzy glow of the tv snow from my 12th generation copy of MADOX-01. These kids do not know the joys of tape trading and the sweet smell of VCR head cleaning fluid. The real drug of the 80s.

        “You, alright! I learned it by watching you!”

        James Leung Man-Fai
        The ANTINEET

        • dil_masaniya says:

          VCRs Suck Tape

          Although I’m glad that someone posted Clamp Campus Detectives (which is messed up in so many ways — e.g. Kindergarteners do not need a class president), it being a digitization from videotape, is a perfect example why we are much better off with digital video. A lot of the detail in the art work is lost, as can be seen when scenes fade to black. The standard setting is blown out, and, due to the high-key nature of the color scheme for the show, the art in most scenes looks much simper than it should. What a shame.

  6. fallchild42 says:

    OMG Monkey AMVERS

    HA Well, I guess I have to say Awesome, Developers was remembered. And about the Exclusivity, you hit the nail on the head. πŸ™‚ I lol’d at “NOT FOR YOU…” because it’s true, I made this as a tribute. Way too many inside jokes for casual AMV watchers (especially those who get them mainly from YouTube)

    I think At some point in time I’ll write up a list of special hidden jokes and what not, but right now I’m REALLY LAZY.

    πŸ˜€ Anyways Thanks for the shout-out And good luck in Japan, I’m jealous… And i have to Commend you on your podcast here first time i’ve listened I’ll check it out in the future. was funny and done fairly well GJ πŸ˜€

    • Re: OMG Monkey AMVERS

      We here at the Ninja Consultant podcast would never, EVER sink to watching AMVs on YouTube… except the ones that our 6th grade fanbase sends us links to, demanding we watch them and “What do we think?” the answer to which, of course, is, “I think your friend who made this needs to read this FAQ on the org about removing subs from their Naruto episodes…”

      Anyway, I (Erin) am actually weirdly fond of jokes that go over my head, so I really did enjoy Developers, even if the .2 seconds for each name did not really give me time to consider things like, “Does that really represent ? Or Vlad? Or ? Or , who was sitting right next to us while we watched?

      Seriously, unlike the Otaku Generation podcast Noah and I don’t actually know a lot of AMV creators (besides DokiDoki) – we just stalk them. I mean I stalk them. It’s really sad. Fortunately ninjas make great stalkers!

  7. herohigh says:

    Well, that’s pretty cool.

    Moloko’s pretty fucking rad.

  8. Anonymous says:

    You whippersnappers!

    Hey, I’m pushing forty, and I am NOT ready for cryogenic freeze just yet. And yes, I remember Pound Puppies, and watched raws and traded VHSes, and look down upon all you punk kids with your newfangled peer-to-peer file sharing and Youtoobhoozits. Dagnabbit.

    Have fun in Japan. When you get back, wanna talk about that project we discussed a while back with the museum?

    Ralph from Metro Anime

    • Re: You whippersnappers!

      Yes, I am still interested in that!

      I will try to find things to show at such a panel. I’m also thinking of doing a really-weird-manga panel, so I’ll be gathering material for that.

  9. naniwa says:

    Ohh lord you will not be able to walk 5 feet at comiket on Friday or Sunday without running into circles doing Haruhi doujinshi.

    On the other hand you will rarely find Nodame, Beck or Jan! DJs. Though I did find a couple Jan! djs last fall… EWWW!

  10. naniwa says:

    And to clarify… Everyone should be reading Nodame, WORST, Kekkaishi and Pilgrim Jager. PETA fans might object to IWJ! (gosh everything is edible in that series) and BECK…. Well yeah everyone should read it but only the hipsters will.

  11. okita says:

    I recall a segment on your podcast about the correct pronounciation of Naruto– a noble goal, since non-Japanese savvy anime fans I know pronounce it nuh-ROO-tow.

    The only problem is that in this podcast, I heard a lot about some character named huh-ROO-hee, what’s that all about? =)

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