Show #30 – Listener Feedback Filler Arc

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23 Responses to Show #30 – Listener Feedback Filler Arc

  1. pdelahanty says:

    I’m not going to say “I want it”…because you said it’s crappy. πŸ˜›

  2. dil_masaniya says:

    Links don’t work

    Hey, your links in the shownotes don’t work.

  3. Anonymous says:

    (Daryl Surat)

    Doink-chan’s segment idea is revolutionary and wonderful. Indeed, if one were so inclined, they could make an entire podcast devoted to that very pursuit, and it would be the best podcast ever.

  4. Anonymous says:


    (Arada here.)

    Oh Gods, my list. I hate my list. No wait, I don’t. But still, my list, >< . There's a kid in my grade that reminds me of Daryl. His name is John and he NEVER SHUTSUP! EVER! I'm so glad he's not around me all day. no rreally. He was talking for lik 5 minutes and I was getting ticked. That's how bad it is.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Vashinucho Namek Edition

    Thanks for the mention, guys. I’m far from a “legitimate comic book guy” though… unless you’re referring to the simpsons character, in which case I could see where you’re coming from.


  6. Anonymous says:

    Arada hhere again. Hey uh guys, did you link my page on your site? Or no? Cause when I clickedI got someother site…..yeah….

    • We haven’t added links yet, so I don’t know what you’re clicking.

      Also, stop being mad at us (me) for making a song dedicated to you. How many other people have made songs for you before, huh?

      • Anonymous says:


        Well I dunno, it said Randomness, and that’s what my podcast is called so I dunno. I’m not so mad, it more embarrased. I couldld never be mad you you Erin! Well…….maybe….but anywho, I’m horrible at spelling, so bad that I’m pu t under the dislexia catigory. Yes, bad spelling thar to. Who has made me a song? No one. But I never really wanted one in the first place………..Oo. Thanks anyway? As far as everything goes, the song I think made me sound like I’m ALWAYS calling you. When really, I wanted to try to wish you a first year aniversity in peace without anyoing interupsions on the bus. >w<

  7. pts says:

    If gay is not a verb, then that means I can’t say things like “Those damn fangirls, always gayin’ it up slash-style.” And I’m not giving that usage up — you can have it when you pry it from my cold, dead etc.

    • arada says:

      XD, keep that one. I ment it more like, “OMG that is sooooooo gay!” or “Dude, can you be anymore gay?” or stuff like that. Gays is the new Like. YOu know, when people would be like, “I like like your like shoes. Their like like cool.” It’s fun to count the likes. ^^

      • We need Arada around to tell us what all the kids are saying nowadays.

        The frequent use of “like” stems from a Valley Girl thing that was popular in the 1980’s, but may have originate with the beatniks!

        • pts says:

          I don’t worry about “like” too much anymore. It’s essentially a discourse marker, and as long as you don’t indulge in it TOO much, it’s rapidly becoming invisible.

      • pts says:

        Yeah, that’s not a verb. You have a problem with the use of “gay” as a general purpose pejorative — that is, an adjective with a negative association — which actually IS a problem and I agree with you that it’s not a good idea to use it that way, for a variety of reasons.

    • Which part of speech is this use of the word gay?

      Example: Noah is gay for Tycho.

      This means that although Noah is not a homosexual normally, he would make an exception for Tycho from

      To be fair:

      Example: Erin is gay for Temari.

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