This show has mad problems with the noise of the fan on my computer also our fridge, and the levels in general, and also I forgot to make the music quieter.
The Sub-Zero song is “Sub-Zero (Chinese Ninja Warrior)” by “The Immortals” from the Mortal Kombat soundtrack. Johnny Cage is not afraid to die, apparently.
The NewType article is on page 19 of the November 2005 issue of NewType magazine:
“Anime for Your Ears; Podcasting trend opens the door for anime fans” p. 19
More stuff we talked about:
- Ninja Restaurant. – NY Times Review
- We’re talking about the New York Ninja restaurant, but there’s also one in Tokyo.
- Anime Boston Podcast
- Big Bald Broadcast
- Bujinkan
- There are other podcasts that are actually about Bujikan. Andrew recommends the The The Kutaki Wave
- The cheesy “Three Ninjas” movie.
- Naruto hand seals
- Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru are from the folktale Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari
- Adrew’s Dojo:
- To find a dojo in your area:
OMGZ a new one yay and I’m first to comment! now I will listen.
well well,
so you guys made newtype. i have a feeling you’re going to get more fans now. tons more. *nod nods* yup. i hope ur ready for it if it happens.
Re: well well,
Although really, who reads NewType for the articles? I mostly look at the pretty pictures.
Seriously, though, I do read their columns. It turns out a lot of people still don’t know what “podcasts” are, so we’re not burning through the bandwidth yet just because of NewType.
Dude, Newtype article is awesome, congrats. Funny thing is the first place I went to in my search for a new martial arts school was a Bujinkan school. But I didn’t know that it was ninjutsu until I listened to your podcast.
congrats! great job guys..
I miss hearing the show now that I cant subscribe via itunes anymore. my work filter blocked all the gaming and anime sites off the network, and I guess it works for podcasts and itunes too?
Well, you can always download them directly if livejournal isn’t blocked at work, or download them at home and taket them to work. I guess that’s pretty obvious, though.
Have they blocked other, non-iTunes podcatcher software? Not that you’re probably allowed to install stuff, but hey!
Sorry if I’m making you sound like a n00b or something.